


Elastichache NodeUsage is billed at an hourly rate basis for each node you provision. You are billed hourly from the time a node is launched until it is terminated. Each partial node-hour consumed will be billed as a full hour.


ElastiCache on Outposts pricing is based on a management fee that is charged on an hourly basis for each database that is managed.



With ElastiCache, you can store backups at a fixed monthly rate per GiB. There are no data transfer fees for creating a backup or for restoring data from a backup to a cache.



You pay for data stored in ElastiCache Serverless billed in gigabyte-hours (GB-hrs). ElastiCache Serverless continuously monitors the amount of data stored in your cache, sampling multiple times per minute, and calculates an hourly average to determine the cache’s data storage usage in GB-hrs. Each ElastiCache Serverless cache is metered for a minimum of 1 GB of data stored for ElastiCache for Memcached or Redis, and 100 MB for Valkey.


You pay for ElastiCache Serverless requests in ElastiCache Processing Units (ECPUs), a unit that includes both vCPU time and data transferred. Reads and writes require 1 ECPU for each kilobyte (KB) of data transferred. For example, a GET command that transfers 3.2 KB of data will consume 3.2 ECPUs. Commands that require additional vCPU time or transfer more than 1 KB of data will consume proportionally more ECPUs.


With ElastiCache, you can store backups at a fixed monthly rate per GiB. There are no data transfer fees for creating a backup or for restoring data from a backup to a cache.



ElastiCache Global Datastore enables fully managed, fast, reliable, and secure cross-Region replication. ElastiCache-Out-Bytes apply for outgoing traffic from the primary (or source) Region.


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