Component USW2-PaidEC2vCPUMonitored
Region The US West region in Oregon
Service AmazonGuardDuty
Category GuardDuty
Instance Type N/A

What is USW2-PaidEC2vCPUMonitored?

Last updated: January 24, 2025

Amazon GuardDuty offers Runtime Monitoring for EC2. When GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring is activated for a workload, GuardDuty begins collecting and analyzing runtime events for suspicious or potentially malicious activity. GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring pricing is based on the number and size of protected workloads, measured in vCPUs. EC2 Runtime Monitoring also has a tiered pricing model based upon the total number of vCPUs monitored. There is a rate for the first 500 vCPUs monitored, the next 4,500 vCPUs monitored and finally a rate beyond 5,000 vCPUs monitored.