
Each grouping represents a specific way AWS Security Hub measures and bills for resource consumption. Click into a code for additional specifications.

AWS Security Hub

AWS Security Hub - Standards


AWS Security Hub performs security best practice checks and ingests security findings from AWS security services and partners. There is a pricing per check in a tiered pricing model. The first 100,000 checks per month has the highest rate, the next 400,000 checks per month has a reduced rate and anything over 500,000 checks per month has the lowest rate. This billing code represents the blended total rate of all checks that you incur.

Billing Codes


AWS Security Hub performs security best practice checks and ingests security findings from AWS security services and partners. You can try AWS Security Hub at no cost with a 30-day free trial. The trial includes the complete Security Hub feature set and security best practice checks. Every AWS account in each Region that is enabled with Security Hub receives a free trial. During the free trial, you will get an estimate of your monthly bill if you were to continue to use Security Hub across the same accounts and Regions. This billing code represents that free trial usage.

Billing Codes

AWS Security Hub - Findings


AWS Security Hub charges for all findings found over 10,000 events per month. This is the billing code associated with that usage and it is priced on a per event basis for anything over 10,000 events per month.

Billing Codes


AWS Security Hub performs security best practice checks and ingests security findings from AWS security services and partners. Even after the free trial is complete, there is a perpetual free tier for the first 10,000 findings ingested per month. This billing code is representative of that perpetual free tier.

Billing Codes


AWS Security Hub performs security best practice checks and ingests security findings from AWS security services and partners. Even after the free trial is complete, there is a perpetual free tier for the first 10,000 findings ingested per month. This billing code is representative of that perpetual free tier for cross region findings.

Billing Codes


AWS Security Hub performs security best practice checks and ingests security findings from AWS security services and partners. While you are charged for findings, there is a 30 day free trial and this billing code represents the usage associated with that free trial.

Billing Codes

AWS Security Hub - Automation


Security Hub automation rules allow you to automatically update or suppress findings in near-real time. You can automatically update various fields in findings, suppress findings, update finding severity and workflow status, add notes, and more. You can set criteria such as finding title or severity to make sure rules act only on relevant findings. This feature is priced by the quantity of automation rule evaluations per month. Anything over the first 1,000,000 rule evaluations per month is charged on a per-one-million-event basis.

Billing Codes


Security Hub automation rules allow you to automatically update or suppress findings in near-real time. You can automatically update various fields in findings, suppress findings, update finding severity and workflow status, add notes, and more. You can set criteria such as finding title or severity to make sure rules act only on relevant findings. This feature is priced by the quantity of automation rule evaluations per month. However, there is a free tier for the first 1,000,000 rule evaluations per month. This billing code is representative of that free tier.

Billing Codes